Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Etsy Blog Comment handmade and vintage goods
Photo courtesy of Etsy Seller'sHandbook

 When I am stuck for what project to begin I try to think about a family member or friend and what that person might like as a gift. Creativity is a gift to share with others. If I have someone in mind as a recipient then I can start there. I choose a color scheme, subject matter and mood for that particular person and it helps me to focus. I tend to bounce around between ideas and I need to have a specific need to fulfill to help me to solidify my idea. I think this is when I do my best work. It also helps when I am at my day job as a high school  art teacher. I tell the ‘stuck’ students to make a gift for a family  member or friend and it helps to motivate them.  MirGardenArt

The comment above was chosen for the Etsy Blog Sellers Handbook.  It was so much fun to see how many views it bought my shop!

Friday, January 3, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday

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No thank you, I'll pass on the New Year's resolutions this year.  I feel like I should just keep on doing what I am doing.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for resolutions but this year is different somehow. Last year was a difficult one and I am still recovering from it!  I just need to keep on keepin on and see where the year takes me...

However, I did choose a word for this year:  Surrender.
This seems fitting because I skipped the resolutions thing.  I am just going to take it as it comes.

A couple of very positive things happened so far.  I will have a display in a local consignment shop in the near future.  Very excited about this.  I love this shop!
 And I had over 800 views on my Etsy Shop over the last two day!  This has never happened before and it is very encouraging.  I am seeing the fruits of my efforts in working diligently on my artwork.  I am starting to see new growth and I feel really good about it!!

My son is in Ireland and I miss him!  Can't wait to see him on Monday.

 Hopes for this 2014-
Take a Photoshop class,
Post on this blog weekly, and
Create a painting at least biweekly.
If my AP Art students can do it so can I!

Can't wait for the new episodes of Downton Abbey

I made it!  My first 7 Quick Takes!